2024 #FloCoFunFest Registration Form Price: $10 tickets, kids enter FREE Date: 09/08/2024 12pm – 10pm Location: Pioneer Park- N. Pikes Peak Florence, CO All fields marked with * are required and must be filled. Last Registration Day - September 5th, 2024 First Name: * Last Name: * Registered Business Name: * Contact Number: * Please enter a valid phone number. Email Address: * example@example.com Address: * Street Address * Street Address Line 2 City * State / Province * Postal / Zip Code * Will you have a guest? * ---YesNo License IS REQUIRED if you are serving alcohol. Upload Liquor License Do you have business insurance? * ---YesNo Upload Insurance Verification Please describe your business and the products you will be selling. * Are you interested in becoming a member of Florence Chamber of Commerce? ---YesNo Are you interested in becoming an event sponsor? ---Yes, please tell me more!NoI'd be willing to discuss an 'in-kind' sponsorship. Do you have recommendations for bands, vendors or activities for this event (or future events)? Would you like to be updated about upcoming events? ---YesNo My Products Vendor Registration Fee$25 for each 10x10 space Type of product you're selling? Quantity Food/Non-Alcoholic Beverages ---12345678910 Crafts/Handcrafted Items ---12345678910 Jewelry ---12345678910 Fresh Fruits and/or Veggies ---12345678910 Something Else ---12345678910 $25 Non Profit Registration Free Wine/Cider/Beer (this category requires you to provide your liquor license and offer free tastings) Quantity ---12345678910 Free Food Truck RegistrationPlease indicate if you need power or will be running generator. ---I need access to power.I will be running a generator.I can operate using either power or generator.I do not require power. $25 After you click the submit button below, you will be taken to a page with "Pay on Square" buttons to collect payment.